The Importance of Preparedness: Lessons from Recent Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure

By |2024-05-24T16:12:56+01:00 24 May, 2024|Resilience|

I was researching cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, when I stumbled across an article about a cyberattack in Ireland in December last year that led to a two-day water supply outage, affecting 180 people. This incident highlights the vulnerability of our critical infrastructure to cyber threats and got me thinking... imagine the repercussions if such an event occurred on a larger scale. The potential disruption could be catastrophic, impacting thousands or even millions of people. Personal resilience through stockpiling In the UK, the recommendation is to stockpile food and water for just three days, with a minimum of 2-3 litres water per person per day. For optimal comfort and hygiene, 10 litres per day is suggested, as water is essential not just for drinking but also for cooking and sanitation. Conversely, in Germany, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) advises citizens to stockpile food and [...]